The ultimate Harry Potter internet guide
About Us

About Us
In The Beginning
We were fed up searching the internet and Google for Harry Potter sites, asking ourself the same question over and over again: Why isn't there a website that has (almost) all Harry Potter links in a few mouseclicks.

And hey, presto! was born. Why not do it ourself if nobody else is doing it.

What do we do?
This directory is managed by a small team of webeditors that select quality websites, write texts about them and put them in the right categories.

We also choose top-quality websites for our topsites positions. You are always guaranteed that topsites have the content you are looking for in a nice design.

How does it work?
Websites are added by our editorial team. After that it is up to the public. If you click a link, we will count them. The websites with the most clicks are featured in the topmost positions. Simple as that.

So you think you can click 400 times on your own website to get it to a top position? Think again... We can track how many clicks are generated per IP. If that clickcount is more than 2 clicks per IP per day, the counter will be reset to 0 and therefore the website will go down on the page. If it happens more often, we will ultimately remove the website from this webguide.

How can I become a topsite?
Topsites are selected by our editorial team. The criteria are based upon the content, the design, the times a page is updated and how popular the website is. If you get a lot of clicks, your website is most likely to become a topsite.

Total Links: 501
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